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Master Dell EMC D-PVM-OE-01 Exam with Reliable Practice Questions

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Question 1

Your organization is planning to expand its data center capacity and must configure a new PowerMax 2500 system. The goal is to ensure high performance and sea abi ity Whi e maintaining redundancy

Which configuration option is specific to the PowerMax 2500 system?

Correct : C

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The Dell PowerMax 2500 is a mid-range storage array designed for enterprise environments. It offers a balance of performance, capacity, and scalability.

Scalability: The PowerMax 2500 scales from a single node pair to a maximum of two node pairs. This allows for increased performance and capacity as needed. Each node pair provides processing power, cache memory, and connectivity.

Why other options are incorrect:

A . Supports up to 16 nodes: This is incorrect. The PowerMax 8500, the higher-end model, supports up to 16 nodes.

B . Supports up to 15 PB of effective capacity: While the PowerMax 2500 offers significant capacity, its maximum effective capacity is lower than 15 PB.

D . Uses Storage Class Memory: Both the PowerMax 2500 and 8500 utilize Storage Class Memory (SCM) for enhanced performance.

Reference and documents of Dell's public documentation for PowerMax Operate v.2:

Dell PowerMax 2500 Hardware Information Guide: This guide provides detailed technical specifications for the PowerMax 2500, including its scalability options, node configurations, and capacity limits. You can find this document on the Dell Support website by searching for 'PowerMax 2500 Hardware Information Guide.'

Dell PowerMax Family: Essentials and Best Practices Guide: This guide offers a general overview of the PowerMax family, including the 2500 and 8500 models. It highlights the key differences in scalability and performance between the two models.

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Question 2

What information would you expect to see under the System > Hardware view on a newly installed Unisphere for PowerMax deployment on 2000 and 8000 series arrays?

Correct : C

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Unisphere for PowerMax provides a 'System > Hardware' view that offers insights into the physical components of your PowerMax storage array. On newly installed 2000 and 8000 series arrays, this view would typically show information about:

Front-end directors: These directors handle host connectivity and data transfer to and from the array. The view would likely display details about the number of front-end directors, their types, and their status.

Back-end directors: These directors manage the connection to the physical disks (storage media) within the array. The view may show the number of back-end directors, their types, and their status.

RDF (Remote Data Facility): If the array is configured for SRDF replication, the hardware view might display information about the RDF directors or components responsible for managing remote replication.

Why other options are incorrect:

A . Capacity, performance, and protection: While these are important aspects of a PowerMax system, they are typically found in other sections of Unisphere, such as the 'Dashboard' or 'Storage' views.

B . Provision, protect and set host I/O limits: These are management functions accessible through Unisphere, but not typically displayed directly under the 'System > Hardware' view.

D . I/O Profile, performance thresholds, and anomaly detection: These are related to performance monitoring and analysis, which are usually found in the 'Performance' section of Unisphere.

Reference and documents of Dell's public documentation for PowerMax Operate v.2:

Dell Unisphere for PowerMax 10.0.0 Online Help: The online help for Unisphere provides detailed information about the different views and functionalities available within the tool. You can access this help within Unisphere itself or on the Dell Support website.

Dell PowerMax Family: Essentials and Best Practices Guide: This guide offers a general overview of PowerMax systems and their management using Unisphere. It may provide context for understanding the information displayed in the 'System > Hardware' view.

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Question 3

Which services are active after a Unisphere for PowerMax installation on a Microsoft Windows host?

Correct : D

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When you install Unisphere for PowerMax on a Microsoft Windows host, it installs several services necessary for its operation. The two primary services that are active after installation are:

SMAS (Storage Management Agent Service): This service is responsible for communication between the Unisphere server and the PowerMax storage array. It handles tasks like collecting data, sending commands, and receiving alerts from the array.

smasdb: This service manages the local database used by Unisphere for storing configuration information, performance data, and other relevant information.

Why other options are incorrect:

A . SYMAPI and symrdfg: SYMAPI is a command-line interface tool, not a service. symrdfg is a service related to SRDF (Symmetrix Remote Data Facility) replication, which may not be active if SRDF is not configured.

B . SMASandGNS: GNS is not a standard service associated with Unisphere for PowerMax.

C . SMASandSTP: STP is not a standard service associated with Unisphere for PowerMax.

Reference and documents of Dell's public documentation for PowerMax Operate v.2:

Dell Unisphere for PowerMax 10.0.0 Installation Guide: This guide provides detailed instructions for installing Unisphere for PowerMax on different operating systems, including Windows. It also lists the services that are installed and their functions. You can find this document on the Dell Support website by searching for 'Unisphere for PowerMax Installation Guide.'

Dell Unisphere for PowerMax 10.0.0 Online Help: The online help documentation for Unisphere may also provide information about the services it uses and their roles.

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Question 4

When setting Host I/O Limits on a Storage Group, what are the available dynamic I/O distribution modes?

Correct : C

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Host I/O Limits in PowerMax allow you to control the maximum IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) or bandwidth that a storage group can consume. This helps prevent performance issues caused by one application or workload monopolizing resources. When setting Host I/O Limits, you can choose from different dynamic I/O distribution modes:

Never: This is the default mode. It means that the I/O limits are statically distributed across the directors in the associated masking view. If a director fails, its allocated portion of the I/O limit is lost.

Balanced: In this mode, the I/O limits are dynamically adjusted based on the number of online directors. If a director fails, its I/O limit is redistributed among the remaining online directors. This helps maintain performance even in the event of a director failure.

Always: This mode provides full dynamic distribution of I/O limits. The limits are continuously adjusted across all online directors based on the current workload and demand. This ensures optimal resource utilization and performance.

Reference and documents of Dell's public documentation for PowerMax Operate v.2:

Dell PowerMax and VMware vSphere Configuration Guide: This guide provides detailed information about Host I/O Limits, including the different distribution modes and their benefits. You can find this document on the Dell Support website by searching for 'PowerMax and VMware vSphere Configuration Guide.'

Dell Solutions Enabler 10.0.0 CLI User Guide: This guide provides information on how to set Host I/O Limits using SYMCLI commands, including the -dynamic option for specifying the distribution mode.

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Question 5

What are the two configuration rules that apply to SRDF groups and connections during Non-Disruptive Migrations'?

Correct : A, E

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Non-Disruptive Migration (NDM) is a feature in PowerMax that allows you to migrate data between storage arrays without any downtime or disruption to host applications. During NDM, SRDF (Symmetrix Remote Data Facility) is used to replicate data between the source and target arrays. Here are the configuration rules that apply to SRDF groups and connections during NDM:

A . The source and target arrays are at most one hop away from the control host: The control host, which manages the NDM process, must have direct connectivity to both the source and target arrays. This ensures efficient communication and control during the migration.

E . DM RDF groups are configured with a minimum of one path: SRDF groups used for NDM (DM RDF groups) must have at least one active path between the source and target arrays. This ensures that data can be replicated continuously during the migration.

Why other options are incorrect:

B . Two DM RDF groups are created per SG migration session: This is not a strict requirement. The number of DM RDF groups may vary depending on the configuration and the specific NDM operation.

C . RF and RE ports are supported, with RF ports being selected if both types are available: While RF and RE ports are supported for SRDF, there's no specific preference for RF ports during NDM. The choice of ports depends on the overall network configuration and availability.

D . A single array cannot have multiple DM RDF groups: An array can have multiple DM RDF groups if needed for different NDM operations or configurations.

Reference and documents of Dell's public documentation for PowerMax Operate v.2:

Dell PowerMax Family: Essentials and Best Practices Guide: This guide provides an overview of NDM and its requirements, including information about SRDF configuration.

Dell Solutions Enabler 10.0.0 CLI User Guide: This guide provides detailed information about SRDF commands and configuration options, which are relevant for NDM operations.

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